Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Hagerstown, MD 21740
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Hagerstown MD should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wash | 301-739-4711 | 1135 Virginia Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Casa Inc | 301-739-4990 | 116 W Baltimore St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Food Resources Inc | 301-733-4002 | 220 McRand Ct | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Girls Inc of Washington County | 301-733-5430 | 626 Washington Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Hagerstown Union Rescue Missions Inc | 301-739-1114 | 125 N Prospect St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Literacy Council of Washington Coun | 301-739-4208 | 15 Randolph Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Maryland Cooperative Extension Washi | 301-791-1304 | 7303 Sharpsburg Pike | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Maryland State Government | 301-797-4161 | 101 Summit Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Star Community Inc | 301-791-0011 | 13757 Broadfording Church | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
Turning Point of Washington Coun | 301-733-6063 | 25 E North Ave | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
W House Inc The | 301-791-7826 | 519 N Locust St | Hagerstown | MD | 21740 |
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