Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lewiston, ME 04240
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lewiston ME should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 207-782-3221 | 59 Sabattus St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
First United Pentecostal Chu | 207-784-2833 | 715 College Rd | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Holy Cross Pastoral Office | 207-783-7241 | 16 Saint Croix St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 207-784-2024 | 721 Webster St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Lewiston Auburn Islamic Center Inc | 207-777-7733 | 21 Lisbon St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 207-784-0401 | 39 Lincoln St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Sisters of Charity Health System | 207-782-7103 | 56 Lafayette St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
South Lewiston Baptist Church | 207-783-3316 | 1919 Lisbon Rd | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
Thomas Memorial Baptist Church S B C | 207-784-0034 | 62 Strawberry Ave | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
United Baptist Church | 207-782-0821 | 250 Main St | Lewiston | ME | 04240 |
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