Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Grand Ledge, MI 48837
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Grand Ledge MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Plus | 517-627-7777 | 530 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Auto Design | 517-627-2882 | 840 W Jefferson St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Bob's Marathon | 517-627-3719 | 105 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Foreign Car Service | 517-627-3846 | 641 W Jefferson St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Gary's Auto | 517-627-9304 | 854 W Jefferson St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Grand Ledge Body & Paint Shop | 517-627-3187 | 715 N Clinton St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Grand Ledge Ford | 517-627-8100 | 6080 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
H & H Auto & Swampers | 517-627-2176 | 505 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
John's Repair | 517-626-2667 | 13054 Wacousta Rd | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Jolls Automotive | 517-627-1741 | 125 Halbert St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Kempf's Auto Service | 517-627-2655 | 265 S Clinton St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Ken's Automotive Center | 517-627-0871 | 13828 Hartel Rd | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Ledge's Auto Body Inc | 517-627-6600 | 5992 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Lyle's Collision | 517-622-1606 | 10260 W Grand River Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Pitchford Automotive Inc | 517-627-1151 | 7821 W Grand River Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Quality Body Shop | 517-627-7711 | 728 N Clinton St | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Sundance Chevrolet | 517-627-4051 | 5895 E Saginaw Hwy | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
Universal Interiors | 517-627-3717 | 2301 Legend Woods Dr | Grand Ledge | MI | 48837 |
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