Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Charlotte, MI 48813
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Charlotte MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 517-543-4028 | 825 N Cochran Ave | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Chester Gospel Church | 517-543-5488 | 3744 W Vermontville Hwy | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Christian Reformed Church | 517-543-4721 | 421 State St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Church of Christ | 517-541-9930 | 1825 S Cochran Rd | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Church of Faith in God | 517-543-5123 | 117 E Harris St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Community of Christ | 517-543-0003 | 202 E Lovett St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Crossroads Church of the United Bret | 517-543-0167 | 809 E Shepherd St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Etzel Robert Needmore Independent Bap | 517-543-1797 | 319 W Needmore Hwy | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
First Baptist Church | 517-543-6900 | 1110 S Cochran Ave | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
First Congregational United Church O | 517-543-1310 | 106 S Bostwick St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
First Lutheran Church | 517-543-4360 | 550 E Shepherd St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Free Methodist Church | 517-543-0910 | 748 Bonnie St | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Gresham United Methodist Churc | 517-543-9630 | 5055 Mulliken Rd | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Lawrence Avenue United Methodist Churc | 517-543-4407 | 210 E Lawrence Ave | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
Peace Lutheran Church E L C A | 517-543-1503 | 830 N Cochran Ave | Charlotte | MI | 48813 |
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