Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Lansing, MI 48917
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Lansing MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Affordable Dentures | 517-323-3172 | 5451 W Saginaw Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Charchut L H & S W | 517-321-0238 | 705 Snow Rd Ste E | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Costello William J Dds | 517-886-9696 | 4912 W St Joe Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Deluca Michael H Dds | 517-321-4254 | 5123 W St Joe Hwy Ste 101 | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Dexter Scott A Dds | 517-321-8280 | 815 Kids Ct | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Doren Barry M Dds | 517-321-3538 | 5001 W St Joe Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Faber John S Dds | 517-323-1000 | 5238 W St Joe Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Flynn Paul M Dds | 517-321-3236 | 4124 W St Joe Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Gentle Dental Care | 517-321-2539 | 3526 W Saginaw St | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Randall Thomas M Dds | 517-482-1924 | 1634 Pepper Hill Dr | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Rashid Paul L Dmd | 517-323-4105 | 1031 Mall Dr E | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Szczesny David E Dds | 517-323-7307 | 2236 Piney Point Dr | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
Ward Paul A Dds Ms Pc | 517-886-6550 | 4921 W St Joe Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48917 |
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