Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Burton, MI 48509
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Burton MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Assembly of God | 810-742-5274 | 6029 Lapeer Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Bible Baptist Church | 810-742-1030 | 2378 N Center Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Blessed Sacrament Parish | 810-742-3151 | 6340 Roberta St | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Calvert Park Community | 810-743-7777 | 2341 N Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Christian Life Learning Ctr Church | 810-742-2100 | G4201 Lippincott Blvd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Community of Christ Eastside Congre | 810-742-1970 | 2120 Wilmar St | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Emmanuel United Methodist Churc | 810-742-8885 | 4323 Davison Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Farnumwood Presbyterian Church | 810-742-2660 | 2350 E Hemphill | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Grace Bible Church | 810-743-6222 | 1460 N Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Grace Worship Center | 810-743-5370 | 1350 S Packard Ave | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Missionary Church Michigan Distri | 810-742-7462 | 1091 Creekwood Trl | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Our Risen Lord Lutheran Church Elca | 810-742-3780 | 4040 Lapeer Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Phoenix United Methodist Churc | 810-743-3370 | 4423 S Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Shawn Baptist Church | 810-715-9113 | 2493 N Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Southeast Christian Church of the A | 810-742-6920 | 4171 Lapeer Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
Wesleyan Church Bentley | 810-743-0552 | 6150 Lapeer Rd | Burton | MI | 48509 |
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