Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Burton, MI 48519
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Burton MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atherton United Methodist Churc | 810-742-5644 | 4010 Lippincott Blvd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Beulah Land Christian Center | 810-743-6678 | 3345 S Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Eastgate Baptist Church | 810-742-5410 | 4226 E Atherton Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Ebenezer Ministries | 810-744-4484 | 2130 S Center Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 810-742-9499 | 2020 S Belsay Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Harmony Baptist Church | 810-742-2630 | 5106 E Bristol Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Harris Memorial Church of God in Chris | 810-743-5325 | 4317 Lippincott Blvd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Judson Baptist Church | 810-744-0650 | 4471 E Atherton Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
New Testament General Baptist Church | 810-742-9420 | 3484 S Belsay Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Pilgrim Christian Preschool | 810-744-1188 | 3222 S Genesee Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
Solid Rock Baptist Church | 810-715-2600 | 2222 S Belsay Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
South Flint Church of the Nazarene | 810-742-6061 | 4075 E Atherton Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
St Nicholas Orthodox Church | 810-744-0070 | 2143 S Center Rd | Burton | MI | 48519 |
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