Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Flint, MI 48504
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Flint MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Word in Season Christian Fello | 810-787-2470 | 6602 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Abundant Life Ministries | 810-787-5000 | 5402 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Abundant Life Ministries | 810-239-6918 | 1161 N Ballenger Hwy | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Agape Baptist Church | 810-785-8091 | G5353 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
All Saints Rectory | 810-787-0491 | 4063 W Pierson Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 810-732-0140 | 4494 N Linden Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 810-238-3843 | 1309 N Ballenger Hwy | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Blackwell Ame Zion Church | 810-785-0735 | 1902 Sonny St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Calvary United Methodist Chur | 810-238-7685 | 2111 Flushing Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Carpenter Rd Apostolic Church | 810-787-2790 | 4010 W Carpenter Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Charity United Methodist Churc | 810-789-2961 | 4601 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Christ Combination Mission | 810-233-8674 | 1365 Dupont St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 810-785-8371 | 3499 W Carpenter Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Christ the Rock Apostolic | 810-232-0633 | 3316 Flushing Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Civic Heights Cogic | 810-785-5332 | 3610 Wisner St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Community Presbyterian Church | 810-232-4163 | 2505 N Chevrolet Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Dayton Heights Community Churc | 810-234-5416 | 3038 W Dartmouth St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Family Missionary Baptist Church | 810-238-8841 | 2518 Dupont St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Family Missionary Baptist Church | 810-424-3922 | 2520 Dupont St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Family Worship Center Church Flint | 810-232-0470 | 3162 Flushing Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
First Timothy Missionary Bapt | 810-767-3674 | 2213 W Pasadena Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
First Union Baptist Church | 810-787-2731 | 7004 Fleming Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Freedom Temple Church of God in Chris | 810-787-2720 | 723 W Pasadena Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Greater Paradise Baptist Church | 810-789-3360 | 4236 Beryl Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Guiding Light Baptist Church | 810-235-3337 | 3110 Mackin Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Heavenly Host Full Gospel Baptist | 810-767-6910 | 2202 W Dartmouth St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Integrity House of Worship | 810-234-8535 | 3209 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Islamic Center Mumin Inc | 810-785-4001 | G4043 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Jackson Memorial Temple Church of God I | 810-785-1050 | 3155 W Carpenter Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall | 810-787-8550 | 2211 Stedron St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Little Flock Church of Flint | 810-233-0630 | 2927 Raskob St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Metropolitan Community Church Redeemer | 810-238-6700 | 1665 N Chevrolet Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 810-785-4421 | 1610 W Pierson Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Mt Hebron Missionary Baptist Church | 810-235-4330 | 817 Stockdale St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Mt Hermon Baptist Church | 810-787-8121 | G5283 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
New City of Hope | 810-234-4156 | 2731 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
New Community Baptist Church | 810-767-6354 | 1375 Lavender Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
New Life Ministries | 810-785-5050 | G4243 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Omega Baptist | 810-787-8520 | 4211 Proctor Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Pasadena Ave Church of God Ministries | 810-787-3546 | 915 W Pasadena Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Prayer Garden Church of God in Christ | 810-785-9599 | 3918 Fleming Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Prince of Peace Missionary Bapt | 810-238-3076 | 1417 Stevenson St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Refuge Temple Church of Flint | 810-720-9071 | 4400 W Carpenter Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Royal Priest Hood Ministries | 810-424-1503 | 2902 Dupont St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Church | 810-234-6609 | 3020 Dupont St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Second Chance Missionary Bapt | 810-244-5510 | 1005 W Moore St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Spiritual Temple Holiness Church | 810-249-7778 | 5216 Fleming Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
St Luke Catholic Church | 810-232-1015 | 3115 Lawndale Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Third Ave Baptist Church | 810-238-2560 | 501 Marquette St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Third Avenue Baptist Church | 810-238-4781 | 1114 W 3rd Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 810-238-3674 | 2200 Forest Hill Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
United Bible Way Baptist Church | 810-239-5410 | 1352 N Chevrolet Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
United Church of God An Intnl Assoc | 810-789-9992 | 4043 W Coldwater Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
United Missionary Baptist Church | 810-787-4541 | 6440 Clio Rd | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Verse by Verse Christian Cente | 810-785-0560 | 2318 W Pasadena Ave | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Westwood Hts Church Free Methodist | 810-789-7851 | 3397 Windland Dr | Flint | MI | 48504 |
Zion Hill Bible Ministry | 810-732-3242 | G3401 Emerson St | Flint | MI | 48504 |
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