Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Flint, MI 48506
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Flint MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 810-235-0016 | 1653 Davison Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Bethany Presbyterian Church | 810-234-7540 | 1709 Nebraska Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Break Through Ministry of Jesus Christ | 810-715-0366 | 3520 Churchill Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Calvary Lutheran Church | 810-239-5651 | 2210 N Franklin Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 810-736-4100 | 6100 Richfield Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Central Baptist Church | 810-742-7060 | 2211 N Center Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Christian Development Center | 810-767-8938 | 1801 Lewis Pl | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic | 810-250-0368 | 2901 Richfield Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Church of Jesus Our Lord | 810-233-4281 | 2426 Broadway Blvd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Church of the East | 810-233-4200 | 3112 Lewis St | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Church on the R O C | 810-238-4701 | 2518 Delaware Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Dexter Street Gospel Chapel | 810-742-3264 | 3617 Dale Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
East Flint Church of the Nazarene | 810-736-5249 | 3515 N Belsay Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Eastside Church of the Nazarene | 810-767-5312 | 1829 Delaware Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Eastwood United Methodist Churc | 810-742-8711 | 2101 Starkweather St | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Eastwood United Methodist Churc | 810-742-7200 | 3312 Whittier Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Eureka Bible Church of God in Christ | 810-233-3767 | 1602 Delaware Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Faith Deliverance Center | 810-232-2208 | 2814 Lewis St | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Family Dollar | 810-767-0431 | 3102 N Franklin Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Flint First Wesleyan Church | 810-742-8450 | 3825 Davison Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Genesee Independent Baptist Church | 810-736-9220 | 4498 N Genesee Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Genesee Road Church of God | 810-736-8300 | 4344 N Genesee Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Genesis Pcg | 810-239-1117 | 3702 N Franklin Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Greater Bible Way Church of God I | 810-234-1730 | 1602 Montana Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Holy Rosary Church & School | 810-736-4040 | 5191 Richfield Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Hopewell General Baptist Church | 810-736-7180 | 5162 N Belsay Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Lighthouse Spirit of God Full Gospel | 810-234-0345 | 1657 Mabel Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
New Hope Apostolic Temple of Flint | 810-238-0226 | 3302 Lewis St | Flint | MI | 48506 |
North Star Missionary Baptist Church | 810-238-8665 | 1657 Broadway Blvd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Outreach Baptist Church | 810-736-5836 | 4271 Crosby Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Pentecostal Holy Temple | 810-250-2924 | 2930 Dakota Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Richfield Rd Baptist Church | 810-736-2610 | 3230 Richfield Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
Shilo Missionary Baptist Church | 810-736-7770 | 5224 N Belsay Rd | Flint | MI | 48506 |
St Andrew's Episcopal Church | 810-238-4236 | 1922 Iowa Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
St Leo the Great Parish | 810-736-2150 | 3641 Wyoming Ave | Flint | MI | 48506 |
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