Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Blanc, MI 48439
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Blanc MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Andrews Walter T Rev | 810-694-6905 | G5339 Saginaw | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Berean Baptist Church | 810-694-0400 | 6705 Rustic Ridge Trl | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Bethany Baptist Church of Grand Blanc | 810-694-6854 | 2353 E Grand Blanc Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Burton Apostolic Church | 810-694-2210 | 2497 E Hill Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 810-694-2450 | 4285 McCandlish Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 810-694-9351 | 12534 Holly Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
First Baptist Church Grand Blanc | 810-694-9136 | 6106 S Saginaw Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church & Presch | 810-694-3540 | 5005 McCandlish Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Grand Blanc Church of Christ | 810-694-1122 | 4028 E Hill Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Grand Blanc United Methodist Churc | 810-694-9040 | 515 Bush Ave | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Greater Destiny | 810-694-1563 | 5311 Fern Ave | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Halsey United Methodist Church | 810-694-9243 | 10006 Halsey Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Heritage Baptist Chapel | 810-694-1740 | 5199 E Hill Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church | 810-424-6707 | G7234 Fenton Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
House of Prayer | 810-695-4310 | 2164 E Grand Blanc Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church | 810-694-3321 | 8070 S Saginaw St | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
Mount Hope Church | 810-695-0461 | 8363 Embury Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
South Mundy United Methodist Churc | 810-655-4184 | 10018 Linden Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
St Christopher's Episcopal Churc | 810-742-9443 | 9020 S Saginaw Rd | Grand Blanc | MI | 48439 |
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