Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lansing, MI 48906
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lansing MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church | 517-482-1135 | 14769 Wood Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Central Free Methodist Church | 517-485-2232 | 820 N Washington Ave | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Church of Christ | 517-482-8336 | 16871 S US Highway 27 | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Church World Service Crop | 517-484-7144 | 809 Center St | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Cowall Gary W Rev | 517-321-2244 | 2900 N Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Delta Mills United Methodist Churc | 517-321-8100 | 6809 Delta River Dr | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Destiny Church International | 517-367-2232 | 3017 Turner St | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Edgewood United Church | 517-332-8693 | 469 N Hagadorn | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
First United Methodist Church | 517-321-5187 | 3827 Delta River Dr | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 517-372-9343 | 1301 W Wieland Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Gunnisonville United Methodist Churc | 517-482-7987 | E Clark Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Juntti Ministries | 517-323-2622 | 2321 Dillingham Ave | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Lighthouse Chapel | 517-394-2080 | 1501 Windsor St | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 517-321-2565 | 2300 N Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
North Presbyterian Church | 517-482-0336 | 108 W Grand River Ave | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Paradise Missionary Baptist Church | 517-321-7328 | 3403 Franette Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
St Matthew A M E | 517-482-5329 | 522 W Maple St | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Union Missionary Baptist Church | 517-485-7705 | 500 Mlk # J | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Valley Farms Baptist Church | 517-485-3095 | 1141 E State Rd | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
Walker Memorial Bible Church | 517-482-8025 | 400 E Frederick Ave | Lansing | MI | 48906 |
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