Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lansing, MI 48911
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lansing MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Baptist Church | 517-887-2266 | 6121 S Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Community of Christ Capital Area | 517-882-3122 | 1514 W Miller Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Ebenezer House | 517-272-0572 | 5655 S Washington Ave | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Ebenezer Missonary Baptist Church | 517-393-2401 | 5705 S Washington Ave | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Eliezer Temple Church | 517-394-2544 | 3637 W Jolly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 517-882-0661 | 4301 S Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Galilee Baptist Church | 517-887-0770 | 2511 Reo Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Good Shepherd Baptist Church | 517-393-7242 | 11715 W Jolly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Grace Bible Baptist Fellowship | 517-882-0307 | 5234 S Washington Ave | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Grace of Love | 517-393-0883 | 2618 S Waverly Hwy | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Holt Christian Church | 517-694-3960 | 2424 Washington Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Immanuel's Temple Community Churc | 517-394-1988 | 5400 S Martin Luther King J | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Life Changers Christian Center | 517-393-9860 | 3000 W Miller Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Life Christian Church | 517-394-5433 | 2560 Eaton Rapids Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Maple Grove Baptist Church | 517-882-8918 | 5907 S Martin Luther King J | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Mask Memorial Christian Methodist Episc | 517-394-6900 | 5601 S Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Mayflower Congregational | 517-484-3139 | 2901 W Mount Hope Ave | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
New Jerusalem Church | 517-882-9221 | 3507 Inverary Dr | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
New Jerusalem Church | 517-882-0952 | 6501 S Pennsylvania Ave | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
New Mount Calvary Baptist Chuch | 517-272-3800 | 3800 W Miller Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Olivet Baptist Church | 517-887-0988 | 5455 W Willoughby Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church | 517-882-8012 | 5200 Pleasant Grove Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Purpose Outreach | 517-887-1184 | 3620 S Waverly Rd Unit 5 | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Reachout Christian Center Church | 517-887-8185 | 5628 Wise Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Shiloah Baptist Church | 517-887-7557 | 5225 S Waverly Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
South Lansing Christian Church | 517-394-3220 | 6300 Aurelius Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Trinity A M E Church | 517-882-5722 | 3500 W Holmes Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
Trinity Church | 517-272-3820 | 3355 Dunckel Rd | Lansing | MI | 48911 |
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