Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Jackson, MI 49203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Jackson MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arbor Hills Baptist Church | 517-789-6693 | 2700 Spring Arbor Rd | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Berean Bible Baptist Church | 517-782-7632 | 2104 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Bethlehem Temple Church | 517-784-3310 | 1403 Pringle Ave | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Brookside United Methodist Churc | 517-782-5167 | 4000 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 517-782-6344 | 3301 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 517-789-7457 | 3305 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Cascades Baptist Church | 517-782-9497 | 1012 W High St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Cascades Fellowship | 517-784-9615 | 2390 W High St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Central Baptist Association | 517-796-1916 | 746 Griswold St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Christian Fellowship Center | 517-750-9318 | 133 Pershing St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Christian Fellowship Mbc | 517-990-3093 | 324 E High St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Church of Christ | 517-782-1760 | 1341 Horton Rd | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Dominion Ministries International C | 517-782-7270 | 413 Linden Ave | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church | 517-787-1411 | 2620 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
First Church of Christ Christian | 517-782-1774 | 2395 W High St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Higby Street Church of Christ | 517-784-5535 | 706 S Higby St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Jackson Free Methodist Church | 517-784-3133 | 2829 Park Dr | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Lane Memorial C M E Church | 517-784-8584 | 141 Moore St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 517-787-0606 | 1020 Francis St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
New Covenant Living Full Gospel Chu | 517-782-0507 | 2405 W Washington Ave | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Oasis of Love Full Gospel Church | 517-789-6577 | 1217 E South St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 517-783-3982 | 304 E Prospect St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Southside Baptist Church | 517-789-6202 | 419 E High St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
St Johns United Church of Christ | 517-784-7580 | 801 S Mechanic St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 517-782-7937 | 1508 Greenwood Ave | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
United Peoples Church | 517-787-1363 | 1500 S Milwaukee St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Vandercook Baptist Church | 517-782-2891 | 703 E McDevitt Ave | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Westwinds Community Church | 517-750-1111 | 1000 Robinson Rd | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Westwood United Pentecostal Chu | 517-787-7470 | 1801 Cortland Blvd | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
Word of Light Christian Center | 517-782-7755 | 405 E Biddle St | Jackson | MI | 49203 |
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