Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kalamazoo, MI 49001
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kalamazoo MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethleham Baptist Church | 269-344-4055 | 2031 E Cork St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Calvary Chapel of Kalamazoo Valle | 269-388-5127 | 1211 Fulford St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Christian Resource Center | 269-388-5054 | 1829 S Burdick St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 269-343-5260 | 2266 E Cork St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
First United Baptist Church | 269-381-3996 | 821 S Burdick St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Kalamazoo Youth for Christ | 269-388-3888 | 122 W Crosstown Pkwy | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Miller Jim F Minstr | 269-349-4351 | 3733 Portage St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Milwood Christian Reformed Church | 269-342-8544 | 3306 Lovers Ln | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
St Teresa Catholic Community | 269-276-0270 | 911 Reed Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Stockbridge Ave United Methodist Churc | 269-385-8919 | 1009 E Stockbridge Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
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