Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kalamazoo, MI 49006
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kalamazoo MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 269-342-0525 | 1112 N Drake Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Community Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 269-345-0225 | 2131 Alamo Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 269-345-8090 | 3000 W Main St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship | 269-345-0841 | 2101 Wilbur Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Kalamazoo Friends Meeting Residen | 269-349-2606 | 508 Denner St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Karlzen Kenneth W Pastor | 269-344-7165 | 538 Nichols Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran United | 269-344-2709 | 122 Cherry Hill St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran United | 269-341-9352 | 118 S Kendall Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Ravine Road Baptist Church | 269-344-7638 | 4445 Ravine Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Reformed Baptist Church of Kalamazoo | 269-344-2783 | 708 Nichols Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Westwood Baptist Church | 269-381-6658 | 1700 N Drake Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
Westwood Christian Reformed Church | 269-381-8691 | 620 Northampton Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49006 |
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