Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Kalamazoo, MI 49001
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Kalamazoo MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allied Mechanical Services Inc | 269-343-6193 | 2211 Miller Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Dennis M Starbuck Building Contra | 269-760-1636 | Van Buren | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Docsa L D Associates Inc | 269-349-7675 | 1605 King Hwy | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Gillespie Maintenance | 269-343-6660 | 400 E Cork St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Graham William D | 269-665-7273 | 4960 S 36th | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Homeperfect | 269-385-4348 | 1418 S Burdick St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Kamaco Inc | 269-345-7472 | 2320 S Rose St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Midwest Steel Fabricators Inc | 269-978-1500 | 1820 Lake St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Miller Davis Company | 269-345-3561 | 1029 Portage St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Miller Davis Equip Yard | 269-344-6157 | 2225 Miller Rd | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Myland Dirk | 269-381-0945 | 733 E Stockbridge Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Park Place Building and Design | 269-383-1359 | 439 Park Pl | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling | 269-388-3700 | 2222 Glendenning Rd Ste 11 | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Schuring Tom Inc | 269-342-2673 | 1300 Francis Ct | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Stone Creations | 269-226-9100 | 3306 Mindy Ln | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Stump Paul M Bldr | 269-349-9547 | 925 Foley St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
Whitaker Construction Company | 269-381-2320 | 3548 Gembrit Cir | Kalamazoo | MI | 49001 |
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