Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Kalamazoo, MI 49007
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Kalamazoo MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advocacy Services for Kids | 269-343-5896 | 321 W South St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Colleagues International | 269-341-9494 | 346 W Michigan Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Douglass Community Association | 269-343-6185 | 1000 W Paterson St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Ecumenical Senior Center | 269-381-9750 | 702 N Burdick St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Guardian Inc | 269-344-0688 | 124 Portage St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Habitat for Humanity Kalamazoo Valle | 269-344-2443 | 525 E Kalamazoo Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Housing Resources Inc | 269-382-0287 | 345 N Burdick St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Kalamazoo Deacons Conference | 269-344-7333 | 1010 N Westnedge Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Kalamazoo Junior Girls Organization | 269-344-2330 | 1114 W Paterson St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Kalamazoo Northside Non Profit Housing | 269-344-5499 | 118 W North St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Kate Lakey House | 269-345-0262 | 302 W Walnut St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
New Direction Outreach Center | 269-341-4500 | 308 W North St | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
New Genesis Inc | 269-343-7023 | 1340 Cobb Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Sexual Assault Program Ywca | 269-345-5595 | 353 E Michigan Ave | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
Volunteer Center for Greater Kalamaz | 269-382-8350 | 709 S Westnedge Ave Ste A | Kalamazoo | MI | 49007 |
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