Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Rapids, MI 49525
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Rapids MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Church | 616-956-9377 | 777 E Beltline Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 616-949-0070 | 2780 Leonard St NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Grand Rapids Bible Students | 616-361-1110 | 830 N Park St NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Grand Rapids for Christ | 616-975-1700 | 3140 3 Mile Rd NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Messiah Lutheran Preschool | 616-363-2553 | 2727 5 Mile Rd NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Metropolitan Community Church Reconcil | 616-364-7633 | 3864 Benjamin Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
New Life Christian Fellowship | 616-364-7043 | 2777 Knapp St NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
North Park Baptist Church | 616-364-9532 | 3365 Coit Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
North Park Presbyterian Church | 616-363-6864 | 500 N Park St NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Northland Baptist Preschool | 616-364-6101 | 4162 Hunsberger Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
One Life Ministry | 616-365-0119 | 3411 Waterford Ct NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Orchard View Church of God | 616-361-1669 | 2777 Leffingwell Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
St Luke's Lutheran Church Elca | 616-363-2381 | 3215 4 Mile Rd NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Sunshine Community Church | 616-364-4242 | 3300 E Beltline Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Vineyard Church North | 616-365-0303 | 4700 E Beltline Ave NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
Wood Brook Cathedral | 616-361-1701 | 1739 Providence St NE | Grand Rapids | MI | 49525 |
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