Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rockford, MI 49341
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rockford MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Algoma Baptist Church Bgc | 616-866-1274 | 10515 Grange Ave NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Bella Vista Church | 616-874-7727 | 5100 Belding Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Blythefield Christian Reformed Church | 616-866-2962 | 6350 Kuttshill Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Blythefield Hills Baptist Church | 616-866-9597 | 6727 Kuttshill Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Boes Daniel Rev | 616-874-9348 | 5273 Ramsdell Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Bostwick Lake Congregational | 616-874-7045 | 7979 Belding Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Bridgeway Community Church | 616-863-0897 | 52 S Main St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Presch | 616-866-1881 | 4610 Belding Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Church River Rock | 616-874-0400 | 7448 Agawa Trl NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Courtland Oakfiled United Methodis | 616-866-4298 | 10300 Myers Lake Ave NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
First Congregational Church of Rockf | 616-866-2412 | 192 E Bridge St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
First Congregational Church of Rockf | 616-863-0411 | 17 S Fremont St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Hope Community Church | 616-874-4673 | 7000 Myers Lake Ave NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
North Kent Presbyterian Church | 616-866-2230 | 6175 Kuttshill Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Oakfield Baptist Church | 616-754-9385 | 11128 14 Mile Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Preschools | 616-866-3700 | 310 E Division St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Resurrection Life Worship Center | 616-866-3377 | 3233 10 Mile Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Rockford Baptist Church | 616-866-0345 | 221 Courtland St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Rockford Springs Community | 616-696-3656 | 5815 14 Mile Rd NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Rockford United Methodist Churc | 616-866-9515 | 159 Maple St | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Standing Stone Community Churc | 616-863-6443 | 6847 Northway Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
Victory Church | 616-866-9546 | 6175 Northland Dr NE | Rockford | MI | 49341 |
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