Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Howell, MI 48843
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Howell MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Star Coney Island Restaurant | 517-552-2722 | 934 Pinckney Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 517-540-0611 | 3949 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Arby's | 517-548-0518 | 3639 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
B-Line Bar | 517-546-9122 | 5960 Pinckney Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Be My Guest Cafe | 517-545-1501 | 2709 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Bennigans Restaurant | 517-548-4966 | 3950 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Big Boy Restaurants | 517-548-1800 | 2222 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 517-540-0658 | 3880 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Brunners Restaraunt | 517-545-3959 | 1101 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar | 517-545-2100 | 900 S Latson Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Burger King | 810-632-7296 | 10382 Highland Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Burger King-Howell | 517-546-6985 | 2184 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Cafe on the Pond | 517-552-4450 | 1016 E Sibley St | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Chris McGurrin's Irish Pub & Restauran | 810-632-3400 | 1774 N Old US 23 | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Cleary's Pub | 517-546-8697 | 117 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Cole's Place Restaurant | 810-632-9805 | 10100 Highland Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Diamonds Grill & Pub | 517-548-7500 | 209 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Len's Coney Cafe | 810-632-6545 | 9520 E Highland Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Leo's Coney Island No 21 | 517-548-9480 | 4380 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
McDonalds | 517-545-7777 | 2205 W Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Mr B's Rustic Tavern | 517-548-5500 | 101 W Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Mr D's Home Cooking | 517-548-1943 | 1202 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Olga's Diner Coney Island | 517-540-0706 | 208 W Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Prairie House | 517-546-0070 | 3838 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Red Apple Bar & Restaurant | 517-548-4599 | 2010 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Subway | 517-540-0927 | 847 S Latson Rd | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads of Howel | 517-546-3006 | 2578 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
T W & Friends | 517-548-1100 | 4433 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Taco Bell | 517-548-9640 | 3653 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Thai Cafe | 517-552-1721 | 215 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Tomato Brothers | 517-546-9221 | 3030 W Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
Tori's Coney Island | 517-552-3663 | 2584 E Grand River Ave | Howell | MI | 48843 |
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