Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Eastpointe, MI 48021
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Eastpointe MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beaconsfield Baptist Church | 586-777-6890 | 21801 Beaconsfield Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Christ Missionary Baptist Church | 586-777-7723 | 21439 Kelly Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Christian Faith Fellowship | 586-778-0458 | 17125 Stephens Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Everlasting Word Christian Churc | 586-443-5760 | 14873 Collinson Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Faith Covenant Fellowship | 586-498-9101 | 17901 Collinson Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
First Baptist Church of East Detroit | 586-777-5542 | 16013 Stephens Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
First Baptist Church of Eastpointe | 586-771-2027 | 16428 E 9 Mile Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Gods Way Church | 586-777-6678 | 22312 Kelly Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 586-775-5610 | 16451 E 9 Mile Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Immanuel United Methodist Churc | 586-776-7750 | 23715 Gratiot Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Love Life Family Christian Cente | 586-775-5683 | 15800 E 10 Mile Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Ministries of the Watchman The | 586-777-2202 | 15570 Toepfer Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Northeast Church of Christ | 586-777-5470 | 15537 E 9 Mile Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
St Thomas Lutheran Church & School | 586-772-3370 | 23801 Kelly Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Urban Christian Center | 586-772-3889 | 15325 Ego Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
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