Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Mount Clemens, MI 48043
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Mount Clemens MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Missionary Baptist | 586-469-7589 | 67 Southbound Gratiot A | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Christian Lighthouse Church | 586-468-7705 | 57 Church St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Church of Christ North Broadway | 586-463-6931 | 260 N Broadway St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Faith Christian Center | 586-783-5915 | 34 Grand Ave | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
First Presbyterian Church of Mount | 586-465-0461 | 168 Cass Ave | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
First United Methodist Church of Mt Cl | 586-468-6464 | 57 Southbound Gratiot A | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Good Sheperd Coalition | 586-464-0193 | 132 Cass Ave | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Greater Morning Star Missionary Bapt | 586-468-4418 | 84 Beyne St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Greater Morning Star Missionary Bapt | 586-463-0451 | 87 Robertson St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Mt Clemens Apostolic Church | 586-783-8545 | 43 Southbound Gratiot A | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
My Jesus Ministries | 586-469-0054 | 205 Washington St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
St Peter Lutheran Church & School | 586-781-3434 | 24 Michigan St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Turner Chapel Christian Methodist Episc | 586-463-2760 | 125 Clinton River Dr | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Zion Temple Church in Jesus | 586-954-0177 | 216 Court St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
Zion United Church of Christ | 586-463-0069 | 68 New St | Mount Clemens | MI | 48043 |
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