Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Warren, MI 48089
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Warren MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Tabernacle | 586-758-5140 | 8742 E 9 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Celtic Cross Presbyterian Ch | 586-757-7832 | 11451 E 10 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Detroit Hmong Alliance Church | 586-756-1916 | 11488 Jackson Ave | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Eastside Free Will Baptist Church | 586-773-4370 | 13781 E 9 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Faith Baptist Church | 586-775-1760 | 26510 Schoenherr Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Gideon Baptist Church | 586-772-3230 | 13899 Stephens Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 586-775-5149 | 14777 E 10 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Lord of the Harvest Christian Fello | 586-498-8869 | 21601 Schoenherr Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Maranatha Church of God | 586-445-2525 | 13700 Stephens Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Mt Calvary Lutheran Church | 586-757-0319 | 8129 Packard Ave | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Renaissance Unity | 586-758-3333 | 11200 E 11 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Suszabella's Wedding Chapel | 586-427-1538 | 26609 Hoover Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 586-755-6767 | 8150 Chapp Ave | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Waltham Avenue Baptist Church | 586-772-6710 | 21038 Waltham Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
Warren Missionary Baptist Church | 586-759-3220 | 11285 E 10 Mile Rd | Warren | MI | 48089 |
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