Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Eastpointe, MI 48021
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Eastpointe MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4416 | 19200 Stephens Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4630 | 15800 Bell Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4455 | 15501 Couzens Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4635 | 14500 Crescentwood Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4665 | 23750 David Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4400 | 15115 Deerfield Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4670 | 17116 E 10 Mile Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4640 | 18361 Forest Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4570 | 24701 Kelly Rd | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4600 | 14825 Nehls Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4650 | 16501 Toepfer Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
East Detroit Public Schools | 586-445-4645 | 17363 Toepfer Dr | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
Lutheran Schools of Michigan | 586-777-0347 | 23000 Gratiot Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
St Veronica | 586-775-8333 | 21450 Universal Ave | Eastpointe | MI | 48021 |
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