Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Sterling Heights, MI 48312
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Sterling Heights MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethesda Christian Schools | 586-446-9900 | 14500 Metropolitan Pkwy | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Huron Academy | 586-446-9170 | 11455 Metropolitan Pkwy | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Macomb Intermediate School Dist | 586-977-9170 | 34600 Dryden Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-5600 | 8742 Dill Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-3100 | 37400 Dodge Park Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-5300 | 38397 Gladstone Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-4200 | 12900 Grand Haven Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-1000 | 11303 Greendale Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-5900 | 12060 Greenway Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Utica Community Schools | 586-797-2700 | 11311 Plumbrook Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2590 | 8900 15 Mile Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2800 | 12200 15 Mile Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2525 | 12901 15 Mile Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2850 | 11001 Daniel Dr | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2840 | 14100 Heritage Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
Warren Consolidated Schools | 586-825-2860 | 8655 Irving Rd | Sterling Heights | MI | 48312 |
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