Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Monroe, MI 48161
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Monroe MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Fellowship Church | 734-242-1225 | Fellowship Hall | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Bible Fellowship Church | 734-242-0919 | 14395 S Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Calvary Baptist Church Garbc | 734-242-1950 | 1525 S Custer Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 734-242-0145 | 790 Patterson Dr | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Carey Chapel A M E | 734-457-0723 | 119 Almyra Ave | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Christ Love Fellowship | 734-242-5871 | 5619 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 734-242-5577 | 21 E 1st St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Church of Christ | 734-243-5744 | 3470 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Eagle's Nest Community Church | 734-241-1502 | 620 E 4th St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Evergreen Acres Missionary Bapt | 734-242-2723 | 4875 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 734-243-4002 | 3 N Macomb | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 734-243-0025 | 6248 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
First Presbyterian Church | 734-242-1548 | 108 Washington St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
First United Methodist Church | 734-241-6070 | 312 Harrison St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Free Methodist Church of Monroe | 734-242-0533 | 3900 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church E L C A | 734-242-3770 | 2275 S Custer Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Grape Missionary Baptist Church | 734-269-2800 | 368 Ida Maybee Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church East Ida | 734-269-2961 | 6272 W Albain Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church | 734-242-0446 | 2221 S Custer Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
McCallum Marvin H Rev | 734-242-3000 | 201 S Monroe St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Alliance Church | 734-241-7711 | 3975 S Custer Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Christian Church | 734-241-4144 | 14905 S Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Church of the Nazarene | 734-241-0753 | 3401 S Custer Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Free Methodist Church | 734-242-8686 | 3928 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Full Gospel | 734-243-5442 | 5337 E Albain Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Gospel Mission Church | 734-241-3110 | 618 E 1st St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Monroe Missionary Baptist Church | 734-241-6860 | 14260 S Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Redeemer Fellowship Church | 734-242-5277 | 5305 Evergreen Dr | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 734-241-8611 | 501 Clark St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 734-242-2200 | 4615 W Albain Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & School | 734-242-2308 | 323 Scott St | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
True Gospel Missionary Baptist Church | 734-241-4250 | 3212 E Dunbar Rd | Monroe | MI | 48161 |
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