Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Temperance, MI 48182
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Temperance MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Ministry | 734-847-7800 | 8971 Lewis Ave | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Bedford Alliance Church The | 734-847-3364 | 8645 Jackman Rd | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
First Baptist Church of Temperance | 734-847-6784 | 9875 Lewis Ave | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 734-856-6430 | 1463 W Samaria Rd | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Harvest Christian Assembly | 734-847-9590 | 9030 Secor Rd | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Lewis Avenue Baptist Church | 734-847-6771 | 6320 Lewis Ave | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Morocco United Brethren Church | 734-856-1354 | 1633 W Morocco Rd | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Mt Carmel Church | 734-847-1565 | 760 Donna | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
Mt Carmel Church | 734-847-1725 | 810 Donna | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
St Paul's E V Lutheran Church Elca | 734-847-3400 | PO Box 296 | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church Elca | 734-847-1816 | 9144 Lewis Ave | Temperance | MI | 48182 |
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