Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Monroe, MI 48162
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Monroe MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & W Restaurant | 734-242-3330 | 1200 N Monroe St | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 734-243-6756 | 2100 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Arby's | 734-242-8774 | 1455 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Big Boy Restaurants | 734-242-8560 | 1240 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Big Boy Restaurants | 734-242-3010 | 138 N Monroe St | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 734-289-4225 | 1950 Welcome Way | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Burger King Restaurant | 734-242-6120 | 1566 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Burger King Restaurant | 734-289-4416 | 1975 Welcome Way | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Delta Coney Island | 734-242-8511 | 1301 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Denny's Restaurant | 734-243-1833 | 1224 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Dolce Vita Italian Grille | 734-241-6100 | 391 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
El Maguey II Inc | 734-240-2591 | 1096 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Hot & Now | 734-457-5468 | 808 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
International Cafe & Restaurant | 734-289-3900 | 1440 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Jerry's Frenchtown Bar & Grill | 734-289-9878 | 2932 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 734-242-6684 | 1133 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Magic Wok | 734-241-0072 | 424 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 734-242-6400 | 1180 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Panera Bread | 734-457-2600 | 393 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Pretzel Time | 734-243-5852 | 2121 N Monroe St Unit 490 | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Quatro's | 734-242-6788 | 1295 Stewart Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 734-289-6242 | 1553 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Ruby Tuesday Restaurant | 734-457-3169 | 2071 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Steaks & Seafood Buffalo Bistro | 734-240-9960 | 1248 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Subway | 734-240-1224 | 1549 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Subway Downtown | 734-457-0525 | 20 N Monroe St | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Taco Bell | 734-242-6792 | 445 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Vince's West Elm Drive in | 734-241-0282 | 1305 W Elm Ave | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Wendy's | 734-243-0543 | 1515 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 734-242-5610 | 1125 N Dixie Hwy | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
White Castle System Inc | 734-241-1044 | 1520 N Telegraph Rd | Monroe | MI | 48162 |
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