Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Muskegon, MI 49442
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Muskegon MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef | 231-773-7339 | 1746 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 231-773-1838 | 1620 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Bonicki's Sports Bistro | 231-777-2800 | 1891 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Burger King Restaurant | 231-773-3665 | 1436 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Dog House Saloon | 231-777-3888 | 1940 E Laketon Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Dreamers | 231-728-9157 | 978 Pine St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Fish N Chicks | 231-722-2115 | 1177 S Getty St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Flamingo II | 231-722-1679 | 1163 E Laketon Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
G & L Chili Dogs | 231-773-6454 | 2510 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Herbie's Cafe | 231-773-7600 | 2007 E Laketon Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Hot & Now | 231-777-7567 | 1785 Creston St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Jumbo's | 231-788-5271 | 5624 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 231-777-3556 | 1414 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken | 231-777-3020 | 1317 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Mc Donald Hamburger Store | 231-767-8523 | 3586 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
McDonald's Homemade Candies | 231-773-0319 | 1064 S Getty St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 231-773-2131 | 1491 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Mills Ice Cream | 231-728-1173 | 110 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Mr Quick Drive in | 231-788-2393 | 5501 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Mr Quick Drive in | 231-726-6406 | 915 E Laketon Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Papa Bears | 231-773-2067 | 2280 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Pat's Roadhouse | 231-726-5041 | 157 S Getty St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 231-773-1024 | 1490 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Ruth's Deli | 231-722-3517 | 935 S Getty St | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Skyline Chili | 231-767-0603 | 2039 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Subway | 231-777-3597 | 1741 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Taco Bell | 231-773-8816 | 1684 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Town & Country Cafe | 231-788-4962 | 4333 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 231-773-6252 | 2071 E Apple Ave | Muskegon | MI | 49442 |
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