Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Farmington Hills, MI 48334
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Farmington Hills MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Today West Unity | 248-737-9191 | 32500 W 13 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
Farmington Hills Baptist Church | 248-851-0310 | 28301 Middlebelt Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
First Presbyterian Church of Farmi | 248-474-6170 | 26165 Farmington Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
International Inst for Secular Humanis | 248-476-9532 | 28611 W 12 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
Korean New Life Church | 248-477-2081 | 26805 Farmington Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
Orchard United Methodist Parso | 248-855-2561 | 30617 Pear Ridge Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 248-553-3380 | 28000 New Market Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
St Pauls Latvian Evangelical Lut | 248-477-2192 | 30623 W 12 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
The Little Wedding Chapel | 248-489-1144 | 27857 Orchard Lake Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48334 |
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