Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Farmington Hills, MI 48336
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Farmington Hills MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A F M I | 248-442-2364 | 29008 W 8 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Chinese Bible Church | 248-473-2010 | 28111 W 10 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Christian Bible Fellowship | 248-474-6244 | 21405 Farmington Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
English District of Lcms | 248-476-9618 | 33100 Freedom Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Faith Bible Church | 248-426-0096 | 23414 Orchard Lake Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Farmington Hills Manor | 248-888-8000 | 23666 Orchard Lake Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
First United Methodist Church of Farmi | 248-474-6573 | 33112 Grand River Ave | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Good Shepherd Primitive Baptist Church | 248-477-8188 | 20909 Whitlock St | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Northwest Baptist Church | 248-474-3393 | 23845 Middlebelt Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Sisters of Mercy | 248-473-0713 | 28750 W 11 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Sisters of Mercy | 248-476-8000 | 29000 W 11 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church & School | 248-474-0675 | 20805 Middlebelt Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church & School | 248-474-2488 | 20815 Middlebelt Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Tawheed Center | 248-426-7360 | 29707 W 10 Mile Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
True Light Pentecostal Apostolic Churc | 248-477-0577 | 20911 Inkster Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Victory Baptist Church | 248-427-9045 | 28312 Grand River Ave | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
Vineyard Church of Farmington Hill | 248-442-7854 | 29200 Shiawassee Rd | Farmington Hills | MI | 48336 |
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