Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Madison Heights, MI 48071
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Madison Heights MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Islamic Community | 248-584-4100 | 27205 Dequindre Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Arabic Evangelical Alliance Church | 248-585-9592 | 30801 Dequindre Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Chair Covers & Linen | 248-548-5600 | 25914 John R Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Church of Christ | 248-585-2544 | 510 W Girard Ave | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Community Baptist Church of Madis | 248-547-5890 | 1042 E 12 Mile Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Free Will Baptist Chapel | 248-583-9763 | 302 E 13 Mile Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Madison Heights Fellowship Bapt | 248-543-8171 | 215 W 11 Mile Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Metro Detroit Chinese Christianmssnry | 248-588-0642 | 31329 John R Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 248-399-0490 | 26360 Stephenson Hwy | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Party America | 248-585-2444 | 32011 John R Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Peter's Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 248-307-0210 | 32196 Concord Dr | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Royal Oak General Baptist Church | 248-547-2022 | 950 W Gardenia Ave | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Sikh Temple | 248-547-0927 | 990 E Lincoln Ave | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 248-414-3622 | 975 E Gardenia Ave | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
Ten Mile Free Will Baptist Church | 248-541-5152 | 74 W 10 Mile Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
United Methodist Church of Madison Heig | 248-544-3544 | 246 E 11 Mile Rd | Madison Heights | MI | 48071 |
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