Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oxford, MI 48371
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oxford MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church | 248-628-3198 | 1100 S Baldwin Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Christ the King Church | 248-628-0038 | 1550 W Drahner Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 248-628-2135 | 71 S Washington St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Dominican Sisters | 248-628-2872 | 775 W Drahner Rd Apt 210 | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
First Baptist Church | 248-628-3702 | 397 Nippigon St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
First Baptist Church of Oxford | 248-628-2911 | 150 Pontiac Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Holy Cross Christian Preschool | 248-628-0116 | 136 S Washington St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Immanuel Congregational Church | 248-628-1610 | 1 Hovey St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Little Scholars of Oxford | 248-236-9369 | 2750 N Baldwin Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Mt Zion General Baptist Church | 248-628-3878 | 3300 Ludwig Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Murphy Dwight Rev | 248-628-1289 | 21 E Burdick St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Oxford Free Methodist Church | 248-628-1203 | 790 S Lapeer Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Oxford Full Gospel Church | 248-628-4999 | 32 Mechanic St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Oxford United Methodist | 248-628-1022 | 91 Cross Timbers St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Pathway Church | 248-628-3865 | 1285 W Drahner Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Seymour Lake United Methodist Churc | 248-628-4763 | 3050 S Sashabaw Rd | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
Thomas United Methodist Church | 248-628-7636 | 504 1st St | Oxford | MI | 48371 |
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