Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pontiac, MI 48340
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pontiac MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Tabernacle Church | 248-332-1930 | 1348 Baldwin Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Calvary Missionary Church | 248-373-0311 | 1361 Giddings Rd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of O | 248-334-5300 | 424 W Walton Blvd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Columbia Avenue Baptist Church | 248-335-9960 | 64 W Columbia Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
First Church of Worship & Praise | 248-332-8376 | 821 Baldwin Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 248-335-6011 | 1750 Baldwin Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
First Spanish American Baptist Church | 248-373-5124 | 1533 Giddings Rd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Grace and Peace Community Churc | 248-334-3280 | 451 W Kennett Rd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Grace Calvary Church | 248-373-4495 | 1425 Giddings Rd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Harvest Time Church | 248-333-1740 | 214 W Walton Blvd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Joslyn Avenue Presbyterian Ch | 248-335-7961 | 1106 Joslyn Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Mt Hope Lutheran Church Elca | 248-335-9881 | 517 W Walton Blvd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
New Hope General Baptist Church | 248-334-4380 | 1063 Stanley Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
New Mount Moriah Missionary Bapt | 248-335-6960 | 204 W New York Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Pontiac Missionary Baptist Church | 248-373-7403 | 1281 Giddings Rd | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Showers of Blessing Deliverance Chu | 248-333-3923 | 1196 Joslyn Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Slades Printing Co | 248-334-6257 | 1502 Baldwin Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Spiritual Israel Church & It's Army | 248-338-1711 | 19 W Fairmount Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
St Paul International | 248-758-9019 | 1133 Joslyn Ave | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
Word of Life Christian Church | 248-335-7113 | 79 Elizabeth | Pontiac | MI | 48340 |
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