Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Royal Oak, MI 48067
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Royal Oak MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st United Methodist Church of Ro | 248-541-4100 | 320 W 7th St | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Calvary Christian Church | 248-541-4587 | 2203 E 11 Mile Rd | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 248-542-0687 | 900 W 4th St | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Church of Christ Royal Oak | 248-548-1333 | 115 S Campbell Rd | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Ferndale Free Methodist Church | 248-547-5318 | 503 S Wilson Ave | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
First Baptist Church of Royal Oak | 248-543-7454 | 309 N Main St | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
First Presbyterian Church of Royal | 248-541-0108 | 529 Hendrie Blvd | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Elca | 248-548-3111 | 814 N Campbell Rd | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Korean First Presbyterian Ch | 248-541-1177 | 1318 S Stephenson Hwy | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Lorio Ross Sterling Entertainment | 248-398-9711 | 505 S Lafayette Ave | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Memorial Free Will Baptist Church | 248-547-2794 | 1326 E Lincoln Ave | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Royal Oak First United Methodist Churc | 248-543-2197 | 609 S Lafayette Ave | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 248-541-0613 | 202 E 5th St | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
Zion International Ministries of T | 248-548-9189 | 20883 Reimanville | Royal Oak | MI | 48067 |
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