Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Southfield, MI 48034
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Southfield MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 248-356-2635 | 23795 Civic Center Dr | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Christ Temple Community Church | 248-354-2192 | 28835 Tavistock Trl | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Church of Christ | 248-356-9225 | 23333 W 10 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 248-353-0839 | 20924 Sherman Ave | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 248-352-5939 | Southfield Bldg | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Emmanuel Lutheran Church of South | 248-357-1848 | 23425 Lahser Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Franciscan Friars | 248-223-0665 | 25231 Code Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Highland Park Baptist Church | 248-357-5464 | 28600 Lahser Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Ismaili Center | 248-353-8639 | 27712 Franklin Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Madman Mike | 248-355-0863 | 22731 Addison St | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 248-353-0675 | 23455 W 9 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Southfield Christian & Seminary Center | 248-386-0749 | 25536 Lahser Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Southfield Community Church | 248-356-5372 | 21122 Indian St | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
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