Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Southfield, MI 48075
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Southfield MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abyssina Christ Centered Minist | 248-557-9451 | 21853 Northwestern Hwy | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Amazing Grace Christian Center | 248-557-2657 | 17500 Northland Park Ct | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
American Baptist Churches SE Are | 248-443-6888 | 21100 Southfield Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Anthony Barbara Rev | 248-356-5268 | 19142 Nadol Dr | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Ashland Theological Seminary Detroi | 248-559-1400 | 23100 Providence Dr Ste 380 | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Counsel of Orthodox Rabbis | 248-559-5005 | 16947 W 10 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Faith Christian Academy | 248-354-8025 | 20000 W 9 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Family Victory Fellowship Chur | 248-354-1990 | 19421 W 10 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
International Christian Education Assn | 248-557-5526 | 16130 Northland Dr | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Moslem Shrine Temple | 248-569-2900 | 24350 Southfield Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Saint John's Armenian Church Recreati | 248-569-9004 | 22001 Northwestern Hwy | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
Southfield Presbyterian Church | 248-356-1430 | 21575 W 10 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48075 |
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