Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Troy, MI 48098
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Troy MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Students of Oakland County | 248-828-8960 | 6324 Tutbury Ln | Troy | MI | 48098 |
Emerson Church Unitarian Unive | 248-524-9339 | 4230 Livernois Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
Faith Apostolic Church of Troy | 248-879-2447 | 6710 Crooks Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
Fellowship United Methodist Churc | 248-643-8585 | 4050 Coolidge Hwy | Troy | MI | 48098 |
First Presbyterian Church of Troy | 248-689-0112 | 4328 Livernois Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
First United Methodist Church of Troy | 248-879-6363 | 6363 Livernois Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
Northfield Hills Baptist Church | 248-641-5935 | 1800 W Long Lake Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
Stone Haven Free Methodist Churc | 248-649-1465 | 1349 W Wattles Rd | Troy | MI | 48098 |
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