Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Southfield, MI 48034
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Southfield MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alan H Finn Dds Pc | 248-355-9800 | 36555 Evergreen Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Bancuk Jane Dds | 248-354-2244 | 26561 W 12 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Bogrow Earl K Dds & Associates | 248-827-1900 | 28411 Northwestern Hwy | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Broussard Avis Dds Pc Dr Broussard's | 248-357-1999 | 24800 Lahser Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Campeau Richard H Dds | 248-355-3993 | 26776 W 12 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Denes Family Dentistry | 248-357-5390 | 29201 Telegraph Rd Ste 602 | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Farmbrook Dental Group | 248-352-7722 | 29877 Telegraph Rd Ste L-12 | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Kaigler Darnell Dds | 248-358-3335 | 28533 River Crest Dr | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Kutnick Jack D Dds | 248-355-3319 | 29620 Farmbrook Villa Ct | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Lezell Alvin B Dds | 248-356-1808 | 22739 N Bellwood Dr | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Lifton Herman M Dds | 248-355-5540 | 23417 Riverview Dr | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Najor George D Dds | 248-356-5520 | 26776 W 12 Mile Rd Ste 103 | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Nathaniel Davis Dds | 248-350-9415 | 24060 W 10 Mile Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Northland Dental Center | 248-552-0166 | Northland Shopping C | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Professional Endodontics Pc | 248-358-2910 | 29201 Telegraph Rd Ste 110 | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
Wayne Leonard G Dds | 248-358-2982 | 22262 Chatsford Circuit St | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
White Ronald A Pc | 248-358-4000 | 21500 W 11 Nuke Rd | Southfield | MI | 48034 |
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