Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in South Lyon, MI 48178
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for South Lyon MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bartlett Elementary School | 248-573-8300 | 350 School St | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
Centennial Elementary | 248-573-8325 | 62500 9 Mile Rd | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
Chapman Acadamy | 248-486-9833 | 22300 Pontiac Trl | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
Sayre Elementary | 248-573-8500 | 23000 Valerie St | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community School District | 248-573-8195 | 6th Grade Attendance | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community School District | 248-573-8230 | 7 8 Grade Attend | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community School District | 248-573-8190 | 61526 9 Mile Rd | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community School District | 248-573-8520 | 9919 N Rushton Rd | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community Schools | 248-573-8150 | 1000 N Lafayette St | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community Schools | 248-573-8352 | 310 N Warren St | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community Schools | 248-573-8235 | 20801 Pontiac Trl | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community Schools | 248-573-8100 | 345 S Warren St | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
South Lyon Community Schools Salem | 248-573-8450 | 7806 Salem Rd | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
Southlyon Public Schools | 248-486-9342 | 24650 Collingwood Dr | South Lyon | MI | 48178 |
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