Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Rochester Hills, MI 48309
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Rochester Hills MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antonio's Cafe & Grill | 248-852-2144 | 1959 W Auburn Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Baja Fresh No 2 | 248-375-1900 | 176 N Adams Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Blimpie Subs & Salads of University S | 248-375-5816 | 3216 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Bravo Cucina Italiana | 248-375-9644 | 286 N Adams Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Bruegger's Bagel Bakery | 248-650-5166 | 1398 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Burger King | 248-375-9000 | 2975 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Burger King | 248-852-7123 | 2593 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
C K Diggs | 248-853-6600 | 2010 W Auburn Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Eastside Mario's | 248-853-9622 | 2273 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Gourmet Garden | 248-375-7000 | 146 N Adams Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Greek Island Coney Island | 248-652-6777 | 1416 Walton Blvd Ste C | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Jenni's Coney Island | 248-299-4006 | 3990 W Auburn Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Kruse & Muer at Meadowbrook | 248-375-2503 | 70 N Adams Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Max & Erma's Restaurants | 248-375-1535 | 122 N Adams Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 248-375-0916 | 2985 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 248-852-0530 | 2590 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Muldoon's | 248-852-2707 | 3982 W Auburn Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
New York Coney Cafe | 248-852-1753 | 2652 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Oceania Inn Inc | 248-375-9200 | 3176 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Pearl's Express | 248-852-3566 | 2028 W Auburn Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Rams Horn | 248-853-6200 | 2265 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Seros Greek & American Restaurant | 248-656-8707 | 1330 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Subway | 248-608-6468 | 1410 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Take Sushi Japanese Restaurant | 248-652-7800 | 1366 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Toscani Grill | 248-853-7344 | 2086 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Tubby's Submarine Sandwich Shop | 248-652-7441 | 1320 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Wendy's International | 248-853-3371 | 2630 Crooks Rd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 248-656-0839 | 1344 Walton Blvd | Rochester Hills | MI | 48309 |
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