Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Holland, MI 49423
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Holland MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpen Rose Restaurant & Cafe | 616-393-2111 | 4 E 8th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Blue Star Meat Co | 616-392-4291 | 4040 58th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Boston Market | 616-395-9535 | 638 E 16th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Catering Concepts | 616-392-3666 | 792 Lincoln Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Creative Dining Services | 616-395-7210 | 150 E 10th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Good Earth The | 616-396-3061 | 14 E 7th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Holland Schooner Restaurant II | 616-394-1285 | 393 Cleveland Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Orlando's | 616-394-9622 | 667 Hastings Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Pereddies | 616-394-3061 | 447 Washington Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Pietro's Italian Restaurants | 616-396-1000 | 175 E 8th St | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Pizza Hut | 616-392-6404 | 169 Columbia Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
Till Midnight Restaurant | 616-392-6883 | 208 College Ave | Holland | MI | 49423 |
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