Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Haven, MI 49417
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Haven MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Christian Center | 616-842-2513 | 15051 177th St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Asphalt Seal Coating Inc | 616-842-0009 | 1805 Industrial Dr | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Calvary Christian Fellowship | 616-842-3040 | 1140 Park Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Christian Science Church | 616-842-2230 | 504 Clinton Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Church of Christ | 616-846-1710 | 16012 Mercury Dr | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Church of God | 616-846-2112 | 14920 Mercury Dr | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Covenant Life Church | 616-847-2540 | 101 Columbus Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 616-846-4470 | 15100 161st Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
First Christian Reformed Church | 616-842-6370 | 516 S Ferry St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
First Presbyterian Church | 616-842-6760 | 508 Franklin Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
First Reformed Church | 616-842-6600 | 301 Washington Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Generations Baptist Church | 616-296-0905 | 10933 Lake Michigan Dr | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Grand Haven Gospel Chapel | 616-846-1940 | 1805 Waverly Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Hope Reformed Church | 616-842-9150 | 14932 Mercury Dr | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 616-847-0632 | 16251 Robbins Rd | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Lighthouse Christian Ministries | 616-846-9247 | 13858 Lincoln St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Nazarene Parsonage | 616-842-3908 | 1620 Gillin St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Resurrection Life | 616-842-2800 | 12900 US 31 | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Robinson Baptist Church | 616-846-4500 | 12011 120th Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Salvation Army The | 616-842-3380 | 310 N Despelder St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Second Christian Reformed Church | 616-842-0710 | 2021 Sheldon Rd | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Second Reformed Church | 616-842-4170 | 1000 Waverly Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | 616-846-1170 | 600 Washington Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Seventh Day Adventist Community Servi | 616-846-1190 | 432 S Beechtree St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 616-842-6260 | 524 Washington Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 616-842-4510 | 527 Taylor Ave | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
St Paul's United Church of Christ | 616-842-6870 | 1401 S Griffin St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
Trinity Reformed Church | 616-842-9480 | 1330 S Ferry St | Grand Haven | MI | 49417 |
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