Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Port Huron, MI 48060
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Port Huron MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Temple | 810-982-2681 | 2526 Gratiot Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Blue Water Christian Church | 810-984-3774 | 1331 Chestnut St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 810-985-3872 | 1208 10th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Christian Science Church | 810-982-1000 | 3514 Gratiot Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Church of Christ | 810-982-0691 | 756 17th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Court Street Baptist Church | 810-982-8811 | 1501 Court St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 810-985-5733 | 3455 Stone St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
First Baptist Church | 810-985-6861 | 1814 Sanborn St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
First Presbyterian Church | 810-985-6191 | 811 Wall St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
First United Methodist Church | 810-985-8107 | 828 Lapeer Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Free Methodist Church | 810-982-5312 | 2403 10th Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Gratiot Park United Methodist Churc | 810-985-6206 | 811 Church St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Griswold Street Baptist Church | 810-984-1539 | 1232 Griswold St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Holy Redemeer Lutheran Church | 810-982-7632 | 4475 W Water St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Interfaith Community Church | 810-985-5555 | 1923 23rd St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Israel of Gods Church | 810-364-4414 | 2801 Peavey St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Marysville Pilgrim Lutheran Church | 810-364-7081 | 1023 Michigan Rd | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 810-982-8738 | 2949 24th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 810-982-9432 | 2711 Vanness St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
New Hope Tabernacle Church of God I | 810-982-4673 | 1302 Lapeer Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
North Street United Methodist Churc | 810-385-4027 | 4580 North Rd | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church | 810-982-1240 | 1029 6th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 810-985-5848 | 2623 10th Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Port Huron Restoration Branch | 810-987-8710 | 1404 Garfield St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Restoration Christian Community Churc | 810-985-7560 | 2625 Moak St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Ross Bible Church | 810-985-5982 | 2865 Maywood Dr | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Servants of Christ Church | 810-985-5303 | 3116 Stone St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 810-985-7775 | 2801 Nern St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Soup Kitchen | 810-982-9261 | 805 Chestnut St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
St Paul Ame Church | 810-982-8593 | 2912 25th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 810-982-9853 | 3790 W Water St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Unity Church of Blue Water | 810-982-2820 | 431 17th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Washington Avenue United Methodis | 810-966-8825 | 1431 Elk St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Washington Avenue United Methodis | 810-982-7812 | 1217 Washington Ave | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Westhaven Baptist Church | 810-982-7331 | 4070 W Water St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 810-985-5923 | 2501 Stone St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
Youth for Christ | 810-982-9551 | 502 14th St | Port Huron | MI | 48060 |
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