Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saline, MI 48176
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saline MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Our King Lutheran Church | 734-429-9200 | 3255 Saline Waterworks Rd | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Church of Christ | 734-429-4319 | 7300 E Michigan Ave | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 734-429-3043 | 120 W Willis Rd | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 734-429-7196 | 1045 W Bemis Rd | Saline | MI | 48176 |
First Presbyterian Church | 734-429-4140 | 143 E Michigan Ave | Saline | MI | 48176 |
First Presbyterian Church | 734-429-1933 | 100 Hall St | Saline | MI | 48176 |
First United Methodist Church of Salin | 734-429-4730 | 1200 N Ann Arbor St | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Holy Faith Church Lutheran & Epis | 734-429-2991 | 6299 Saline Ann Arbor Rd | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Keystone Community Church | 734-944-5397 | 3375 Saline Waterworks Rd | Saline | MI | 48176 |
New Life Tabernacle | 734-944-8056 | 217 W Henry St | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Oakwood Church | 734-944-1215 | 350 Woodland Dr | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Saline Baptist Church | 734-429-2378 | 617 S Ann Arbor St | Saline | MI | 48176 |
St James United Church of Christ Parso | 734-429-9761 | 11005 W Michigan Ave | Saline | MI | 48176 |
St Paul United Church of Christ | 734-429-9808 | 777 Foxboro Ct | Saline | MI | 48176 |
St Paul United Church of Christ | 734-429-7716 | 122 W Michigan Ave | Saline | MI | 48176 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 734-429-4710 | 195 E Michigan Ave | Saline | MI | 48176 |
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