Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belleville, MI 48111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belleville MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 734-485-3345 | 6538 Rawsonville Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Ark of Noah Missionary Baptist | 734-587-3111 | 13755 Rawsonville Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Belleville Free Will Baptist Church | 734-697-7533 | 750 E Huron River Dr | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Belleville Lighthouse | 734-461-9800 | 51185 Willis Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Belleville Presbyterian Church | 734-697-8687 | 11900 Belleville Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Belleville United Methodist Churc | 734-697-9288 | 417 Charles St | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Berean Baptist Church | 734-697-7150 | 6889 Belleville Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Bethany Bible Church | 734-697-7456 | 810 E Huron River Dr | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Bethlehem Temple Pentecostal Chu | 734-461-2121 | 45100 Willow Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Body of Christ Church of God | 734-461-9332 | 43409 Willow Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Church of Christ | 734-697-8001 | 13785 Elwell Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church of Belleville | 734-697-0566 | 960 E Huron River Dr | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 734-483-2276 | 6020 Denton Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 734-461-6065 | 24092 Bohn Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Grace Baptist Church of Belleville | 734-699-5411 | 164 Roys St | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Isom Methodist Episcopal Churc | 734-461-2200 | 23612 Sumpter Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Jesus International Ministries | 734-697-2870 | 9820 Haggerty Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 734-484-1430 | 6250 Gilmore St | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Metro Baptist Church | 734-697-4065 | 47100 N Interstate 94 Servic | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Morning Star Church | 734-461-0493 | 44441 Clay Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Mt Hermon Missionary Baptist Church | 734-461-1332 | 24235 Sumpter Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
New Hope Tabernacle Church of God I | 734-461-2394 | 44730 Dunn Rd | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
Pleasant Valley Ame Church | 734-461-1303 | 45620 Victoria St | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 734-697-9292 | 47445 W Huron River Dr | Belleville | MI | 48111 |
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