Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Dearborn Heights MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Fellowship of the Savior | 313-791-8545 | 24309 Joy Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Berean Missionary Baptist Church | 313-561-2620 | 6852 N Beech Daly Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Cherry Hill Baptist Church | 313-565-1460 | 1045 N Gulley Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Church of Christ | 313-278-8120 | 17200 W Outer Dr | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Crystal Lounge | 313-274-9645 | 8701 N Beech Daly Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Dearborn Heights Assembly | 313-277-9879 | 24570 Ann Arbor Trl | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Faith Baptist Church | 313-274-3777 | 26305 Ford Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 313-278-5755 | 27035 Ann Arbor Trl | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 313-562-2000 | 24105 Hass St | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
North Dearborn Heights Congregajehovah | 313-278-5300 | 26801 Ann Arbor Trl | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Silvery Lane Baptist Church | 313-278-1588 | 24949 Hass St | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
St Andrews Presbyterian Church | 313-274-3820 | 26701 Joy Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
St Paul's United Church of Christ | 313-278-7270 | 26550 Cherry Hill Rd | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
Warren Valley United Methodist Churc | 313-278-5510 | 6455 Kinloch St | Dearborn Heights | MI | 48127 |
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