Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church | 313-831-8810 | 5050 Richard Allen Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Brown Evangelistic Ministries | 313-833-3330 | 4311 3rd St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Cass Park Baptist Church | 313-964-4822 | 2700 2nd Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Cass United Methodist Church & Center | 313-832-8606 | 3745 Cass Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Cathedral of Praise Baptist Church | 313-494-0300 | 2870 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Center D Ruth | 313-962-4891 | 2300 2nd Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Central Alliance Church | 313-832-6880 | 616 W Hancock St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Christian Communication Councilmtrpltn | 313-962-0340 | 1300 Mutual Bg | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Clinton St Greater Bethlehem Templ | 313-361-1110 | 2900 W Chicago Lawton | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan | 313-832-4400 | 4800 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 313-833-1072 | 3900 Beaubien St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Greater King Solomon Baptist Church | 313-833-8663 | 4638 4th St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Greater Shiloh Baptist Church | 313-831-6466 | 557 Benton St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Hales Primitive Baptist Church | 313-831-8034 | 4468 3rd St | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
New Bethel Baptist Church | 313-894-5788 | 8450 C L Franklin Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Plymouth United Church of Christ | 313-831-2460 | 600 E Warren Ave | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Russell Street Missionary Bapt | 313-875-1615 | 8700 Chrysler Service Dr | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
Warren Avenue Missionary Bapt | 313-832-4588 | 4853 Rivard | Detroit | MI | 48201 |
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