Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ Covenant Church | 313-883-2203 | 10213 Hamilton Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 313-875-8747 | 748 W Philadelphia St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Grace Chapel Church | 313-869-5453 | 661 Edison St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Greater New Mt Moriah Baptist Church | 313-871-8025 | 586 Owen St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Harp of God Ministry | 313-869-7734 | 11311 John R St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Henderson Tony C Rev | 313-872-5663 | 8715 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Let Them Come M B C | 313-869-5800 | 10320 Hamilton Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Lighthouse Cathedral | 313-873-4411 | 8801 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Little Rock Baptist Church | 313-872-2900 | 9000 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 313-871-5854 | 9760 Woodward Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Mt Zion New Covenant Baptist Church | 313-871-7729 | 8220 2nd Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
New Prosperity Baptist Church | 313-873-9445 | 8540 2nd Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
North End Church of God in Christ | 313-872-8919 | 234 Custer St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Oakland Avenue Missionary Bapt | 313-875-3880 | 309 Harper Ave | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Shrine of the Black Madonna | 313-875-9700 | 700 Seward St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
St Philip's Lutheran Church | 313-872-1010 | 2884 E Grand Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Sweet Home Baptist Church | 313-873-0550 | 2764 W Grand Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Third Baptist Church | 313-874-4133 | 582 E Ferry St | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
Transition of Prisoners | 313-875-3883 | 40 Hague St # 200 | Detroit | MI | 48202 |
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