Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha Temple Divine Science | 313-526-3584 | 13427 E McNichols Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Beth Eden Missionary Baptist Church | 313-371-5111 | 12057 Gratiot Ave | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Christian Union Missionary Bapt | 313-839-9121 | 14361 Maddelein St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Cross of Glory Evangelical Lut | 313-839-5787 | 16661 E State Fair St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Detroit Victory Church II | 313-371-2207 | 12847 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Exousia United Methodist Churc | 313-839-2227 | 12819 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Faith Christian Outreach Center | 313-521-5090 | 14165 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Faith Temple Church Apostolic Faith | 313-527-5120 | 11849 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Fountain of Truth Baptist Church | 313-839-5200 | 12227 Findlay St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church | 313-521-4180 | 12330 E McNichols Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 313-526-1505 | 12051 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Greater St Paul Baptist Church | 313-839-4000 | 15325 Gratiot Ave | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Haven of Rest Missionary Bapt | 313-839-1639 | 12405 Gunston St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Iconium Missionary Baptist Church | 313-526-1480 | 11501 E McNichols Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
King's Highway Missionary Bapt | 313-839-5618 | 12626 E McNichols Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Light of the World Christian Churc | 313-371-3424 | 14550 Gratiot Ave | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Matrix Human Service Head Start Fami | 313-526-4001 | 13560 E McNichols Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Morang St Mission | 313-521-9001 | 18391 Morang Dr | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Mt Calvary Lutheran Church & School | 313-527-3366 | 17100 Chalmers St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Mt Hope United Methodist Churc | 313-371-8540 | 15400 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Mt Sinai A O H Church of God | 313-372-9303 | 13420 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Praise Power Ministries | 313-527-2424 | 12435 Chalmers St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Redemption Lutheran Church | 313-526-5631 | 12411 E 7 Mile Rd | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Second Chapel Hill Missionary Bapt | 313-527-1910 | 14142 Fordham St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Second Sweet Home Baptist Church | 313-371-6609 | 19603 Regent Dr | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Temple of Faith Missionary Bapt | 313-526-1400 | 14843 Coram St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Total Life Christian Ministries Inc | 313-372-7761 | 13158 Gratiot Ave | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
True Church Outreach Ministries | 313-245-1909 | 19500 Schoenherr St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church of East | 313-372-3987 | 12017 Dickerson St | Detroit | MI | 48205 |
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